Česká spondylochirurgická společnost

Czech Spine Surgery Society

The Czech Spine Surgery Society

was established in 1999 by association of the neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons and trauma surgeons who treat and operate on the spine and spinal cord.

In its short history the Czech Spine Surgery Society has achieved many of the goals that it set out at its founding.

The Society has proved that orthopaedic surgeons, neurosurgeons and trauma surgeons can co-operate and be represented by just one professional society.

It has become a stable and respected part of the Czech Purkinje Medical Association. It has organized four successful annual congresses. It worked out and justified a new concept of the field. It formed a database of all surgical procedures performed in this country and based on that the criteria for the categorisation of the spondylosurgical centres. It proposed and justified a network of spinal units and the Czech Ministry of Health approved its implementation into the Czech health system.

The Czech national register of the spinal lesions was proposed. We continue to deal with our insurance companies to increase the payment for all our procedures.

Our society negotiated a new detached specialisation field – spine surgery. In cooperation with the Slovak Spine Surgery Society we have started to edit a new professional medical journal Acta spondylologica. Our close contacts with the Spine Society of Europe (SSE) yielded a prestigious position for our society in Europe, especially the honour of holding the 2003 European Congress in our capital Prague.